Impervious -- Notes 11/11/00 -------------------------------------------- ( Lyrics Copyright © 2000 C. Brian Smith ) The .mp3 at 128K really shows the limitations of compressed audio. It seems that the guitar bleeds. The .wav version doesn't do this. This is the first song that I wrote w/ C. Brian. He E-mailed the lyrics to me and I threw together the guitar line. Later I added a MIDI side to it and a solo. It took quite a few tries to get the vocals to sound the way I wanted. I really pushed the limitations of my voice. It really is about the best I can do with voice. CBS says: --------- 1) What/Who are the lyrics about? The lyrics are about no one in particular. Just anyone who tries to cut me down. 2) When did you write it? I wrote it in Taco Bell on the back of an envelope - - the same day that you suggested that we collaborate. 3) What was in your mind when you wrote it? I wish that I didn't care what people thought of me. I wish that I didn't have to live up to anyone's expectations. I wanted to realize my own strength and greatness, which we could all possess. And I wondered if we all realized this, would the world be a smoother place? I was also thinking about some quotes that you had sent about becoming a god.