The Everclear Made Me Do It -- Notes 11/09/00 -------------------------------------------- Wedge dropped by on 11/2/00 for an instrumental jam scene. He came up with the guitar progression. I threw together a MIDI drum track on cakewalk. We tried to write some lyrics together, but we failed. I later added a bass line to the MIDI which allowed me to change the rhythm guitar line to something more interesting. It took me quite awhile to come up with the lyrics. They don't really make a whole lot of sense. Is it about indescretions made under the influence of alcohol? Is it about alcoholism? Although I wrote the song, I can't really answer these questions. I experimented with the lyrics by sending it through a bit of flanging. Not sure that it works. I couldn't really think of how I wanted to sing this anyway. Maybe I can get someone else to sing on it.