Dr. Strange on Vestee's Pant Leg -- Notes 9/11/00 ------------------------------------------------- Dr. Strange is a character in the Marvel Comics universe. In the original series he is a surgeon who loses his wife, his daughter, and the dexterity of his hands through a car accident. He nearly loses all hope until he finally finds the Ancient One. To find the Ancient One, he needed to climb one of the sheerest mountains ever. Except that Vestee's pant leg is more sheer. Vestee is a ghost of my past. I wrote the lyrics for this song when I was in college. They sat in my bass case for 8 to 10 years. 15 feb 2001 I re-recorded the song, starting from the ground up and doing it all digitally. I needed to buy a cheesy $20 sound card to go into this Dell Dimension because the card they had wouldn't do full duplex. What a piece of shit. The $20 card had a single chip, half a dozen capacitors, a transistor and nothing else. Since I did the song digitally, I was able to add a bunch extra tracks and had more ability to clean out noisy sections through wav editing. I also thought that my voice on the original sucked royally. 27 apr 2001 I did the song again. This is incarnation number three. I had listened to version 2 several times while on the ski-machine in the work-out room. Finally I realized that I hated it and it was time to do it again. Wedge gave me the idea to record the tracks in mono rather than stereo. This saves a lot of space and makes the software work faster. I added a bunch of guitar stuff to the beginning of the song (right after the first improv section). I am really quite pleased with it. Version 3 is a little longer than version 2, even though the last quatrain of lyrics was eliminated.